If you currently live in SWFL, especially Cape Coral, you've seen the abundance of self-storage units in the area. While you may not have considered a self-storage unit before, they are a simple way to solve the common problem we have in America of having too much stuff.  One study found that "Americans have over $7,000 of unused stuff in their house.”** That is a lot of excess belongings to keep in your home. Pair that with the fact that in Florida, we don't have the extra basement storage space found in many Northern homes, and you have more stuff than will fit in most homes. So, when and why should you consider a self-storage unit?  

First, consider a self-storage unit if your home has become excessively cluttered. One 2016 study showed that "clutter was negatively related to a psychological sense of well-being.”* Are you struggling with depression or mood disorders? Check your surroundings. If you have more stuff in your home than you know what to do with, but you're not ready to part ways, try renting a self-storage unit for a few months and see if that helps. Store your sentimental items, holiday decor, or other belongings there and see if your mental state improves. 

Second, if you sell your home, you'll want to remove clutter and excess furniture. Staging is an important factor in selling your home, and a well-staged home without clutter and excess furniture will show better to prospective buyers. Consider temporarily renting a storage unit to keep your items until your home is sold.  

Third, if you are renovating your home or undergoing significant repairs, rent a self-storage unit so you do not need to cram all your belongings into rooms and hallways while your home is being renovated. This is preventive stress-management while your home is being renovated or repaired.  

These are just a few of the occasions when self-storage is a great option for keeping your home clutter-free and your mental health in a better state.  

*Article Credit: Florida Realtors®, Is Self-Storage The Right Solution? January 29, 2024. 

**American Psychological Association, Speaking of Psychology: Why clutter stresses us out, with Dn. Joseph Ferrari, PhD.  https://www.apa.org/news/podcasts/speaking-of-psychology/clutter#:~:text=It's%20exhausting.,self%20devaluing%20the%20data%20shows.